“The greatest thing a father can do for his daughter, is love her mother.”


The Hand that Rocks the Cradle

The Hand that Rocks the Cradle

Becoming a mother for the first time changes you. You are no longer responsible for only you, but have at least one other person completely reliant on you. This is often the time where it is easy to forget you are not only a mum or dad, but you also remain an individual with needs and aspirations of self.

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20 Ways Motherhood Changed Me

20 Ways Motherhood Changed Me

Before I was a Mum

#1 I never looked into tiny teary eyes and cried.

#2 I didn’t worry whether or not my plants were poisonous.

#3 I never recognised the feeling of triumph in getting a baby to sleep.

#4 I had never been puked on, pooped on, chewed on or peed on.

#5 I had complete control of my mind and my thoughts.

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Grandparents have so much to offer

Grandparents have so much to offer

Promoting and encouraging our children to connect and spend time with their grandparents is one of the most important things as parents that we can do.

Often it feels like the input we have as parents in our children’s lives is foremost and holds the greatest influence over their development and worldview and, of course, it is important- it should be. But children are generally born into existing extended families and should be encouraged to spend time there. The extended family members can provide a unique and influential role in our children’s lives, as well as be a practical and emotional support base for the parents.

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When it takes a village

When it takes a village

The proverb “It takes a village to raise a child” expresses an underlying truth regardless of where you are situated in the world, your culture and your social economic status. This African proverb brings to light the community’s role in raising children. Families, particularly mothers, and their children are part of a larger group within the community, extended kinship and social structure. Every parent who loves his/ her child(ren) know that raising children who resonate one’s values and who go on to become well-adjusted adults who contribute to society is not easy.

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Busting Newborn Myths

Busting Newborn Myths

Bringing home a newborn can feel terrifying. Especially when you have had a number of well-meaning friends and family offering their unsolicited advice and expertise. Being unable to measure up to societal expectation may leave you feeling like a failure.

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Parent- Infant Attachment …what is that?

Parent- Infant Attachment …what is that?

Newborns have changed very little in evolutionary terms since we emerged as a separate species when we became upright. As our pelvic shape altered to allow us to stand on two feet, and our brains grew larger from using our hands more, babies needed to be born much earlier to be able to fit through this new shaped pelvis with their now large head. This meant that our babies are born very prematurely: probably about nine months prematurely.

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